9 Successful Marriage Tips for Wives to Follow

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Ways to Honoring God

Are you one of those wives who need some tips to keep your marriage successful?

I am always surprised at the number of divorces that occur these days. This is happening also in Christian marriages.

I often wonder how it can be, that love turns to hate so often among us human beings. We say we are in love when we tie the knot. Could we need to know some secrets to a happy marriage so that they will last until death do us part?

I know these are questions that I might not get an answer to. Despite this, helping wives to save their marriages with these nine tips I have listed below, would make me feel great.

Check them out and give them a try. They have worked for 27 years for me to have a happy marriage:

have a strong marriage

1. Say I Love You Daily

I would not be bold enough to say how many times you should tell your partner you love them daily. What I would say is to tell them at least once a day.

Never let a day pass without letting them hear those sweet words. The reason I say this is because they help to keep you on track with your marriage.

It can be very difficult to say I love you when you have argued with your loved one. By saying these words daily, when an occasion arises and you become angry, you will say them very soon.

Before you know it you are on loving terms again.

2. Increase Your Sex Lives

We all have those days when having sex can be hard for us. If the day was a busy one, and your body feels tired that is the last thing on your mind.

This somehow seems to be a problem with us females. What should you do at those times? Have a new motto, “quantity is better than quality when it comes to males.” 🙂

Let us be honest. If a situation like a sick child or parent arose and we are feeling tired, we would get the strength to do what we have to.

There is nothing more important than having a satisfied partner. At these times quarrels can occur causing some unwanted problems. Do this too often as a wife, and over time it gets worse, affecting your marriage. I know it can be difficult to push yourself but, it is one of those marriage tips to follow as wives.

If you have a partner that you know is quite understanding, explain to them how you are feeling at the time. Promise them that after you get some rest you will be available. Do keep to your words and you will see that honesty works.

3. A Hug A Day Can Keep Divorce Away

Nothing makes you feel better than a good hug from the one you love. It has a way of making you feel that you are special enough to want to be near. Make this a daily practice. It does not have to mean that you want anything in return, to let them know how important they are.

We all discipline ourselves to do many things in life, but when it comes to our marriage, we can take it for granted. Always keep in mind that this is another person. Do to them as you would want them to do to you.

Your husband should be the one you feel the closest to. If you find that is a no-no in your marriage, take a good look into making some changes.

A little thing like giving a hug is a good discipline to start having a happy marriage. Sometimes the warmth of their body satisfies that inner longing for feeling loved. We all want to feel loved, so give it a try.

4. Get to Know Your Partner

If you are not married for a long time but have known the person for many years, you should know them well. Do not take this for granted. We often know the other person well, but ignore them.

Do not only look at the bad things in them, why not realize the good ones?

A little test you can take is to get a piece of paper. Divide it into two sides. On one write the bad things you know and on the other side the good things about your partner. That is not too hard, is it? Trying this at intervals will soon make you get to know them if you never did before. You will be able to see if good or bad increases or decreases.

From this, you will know if there are some things you have missed. The aim is to get to know them better.

5. Forgive Fast to Have A Happy Marriage

A small scrape on our bodies, if it gets infected, can make us very ill. So it is with a marriage where forgiveness is not practiced. Leave it for too long, and your marriage will go down the hill at a speed, that you might find hard to keep up with.

We all need forgiveness at some time. I have come to realize that we often think it is fine for us. When it comes to our husbands not forgiving them is a way to punish them.

Trust me that never works. It only causes more problems for both people.

When something occurs that needs forgiveness work on it as fast as you can. If we are honest, some things will take more time. Talking about them can very well save your marriage. Because you love them give them another chance.

Consider what you would want if it was you. Many times, thinking like that causes us to change our minds. Work through the problem and consider the making up. Remember that is often better than even before the particular incident occurred.

6. Have a Friendly Relationship

We all have a friend who is there for us whenever we need them. It would be great if our spouse could become our best friend. There are happy marriages where that occurs, but how many couples can say this with sincerity?

Usually, in these cases, the two persons became friends before a couple. If you want this to happen why not start today? That will help you to have a godly marriage. Knowing that your best friend is there with you daily and loves you, is a fabulous relationship to work on.

When you look at your spouse as more than a person you are married to, you will see what great friends you can become.

7. You Do Not Need To Be Always Correct

If you are someone who drives a vehicle, use this example to strengthen your marriage.

Have you ever given another driver the right of way to avoid an accident?

Marriage can be like that at times. You know you are correct. To avoid conflict about something that is not worth it, forget about it.

There are times of course when you know it is something that can cause problems in your life. Discussing it then is best.

Often we argue and are incorrect, and only bring about more trouble for ourselves in the marriage.

It is quite surprising when you hear of the small things that can cause divorce. Being tired of marriage is a new one I have heard quite often lately. No one wants to hear those awful words from their spouse.

8. Never Go To Sleep Angry

My mother always told me never to go to bed angry. I somehow took her advice, and it does work in keeping a happy marriage. Here are the reasons why I do it:

  • If I died in my sleep, I would not like to die angry with my spouse.
  • Who will be hurting most, me or him?
  • Talking it over is always best.
  • I do not like to go to bed unhappy.

These might seem to be little things, but going to bed angry is not a good feeling to have. Both of you might back each other and, the room seems as cold as a refrigerator. That is not the way to have a happy marriage.

9. Do Exciting Things Together

Two completely different people make up a marriage. With this in mind, there is always something new to try. Find one that both of you can enjoy doing together. It might be a nice romantic walk when the moon is full. This is also one of those marriage tips that seems to work for many wives.

Whatever you two prefer, let it work for your marriage. Take the time to enjoy being in the presence of each other.

The Bottom Line

I know that it is hard to always have a happy marriage. All marriages have problems at some time. These 9 marriage tips for wives to follow can make it easier. Whether it be getting to know your partner well, never going to sleep angry, or practicing forgiveness they can strengthen your marriage.

Put your best foot forward if it is important to you. Keep in mind that two imperfect people helping each other can have a fabulous life together.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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