Green Tea: 12 Proven Health Benefits It Works

Does green tea have any proven health benefits?

For centuries green tea has been consumed in countries like China and Japan.

The different types from the east are usually of very high quality. However, presently many natural health stores all over the world sell them.

It comes in tea bags, loose-leaf and powdered forms. If sold as a liquid in bottles, it is usually loaded with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. With this in mind, it is best to avoid green tea in this form.

There has been a lot of hype over the years about its benefits. I am sure you must have heard about some of them.

After reading the information you find here, you will be able to come to your conclusion, about its health benefits.

Since green tea is now consumed by many people around the world, these individuals have come to know its benefits and properties. It also tastes great and is easy to digest.

It is also second to water as the beverage most consumed.

I have always said that I could never drink herbal tea without some sort of sweetener. Green tea has made me change my mind.

Why Green Tea is Great for You

Like some other teas, green contains antioxidants. These are good for your immune system. They also fight off many diseases, like certain types of cancers.

The amount they contain is also more than that found in many other teas. The health benefits received from the antioxidants and nutrients it contains are many.

Free radicals are in our bodies. When they are not checked, they can cause havoc on the cells. This brings about many unhealthy results.

Green tea has polyphenols and large amounts of a catechin called Epigallocatechin Gallate. (EGCG)

This is a very potent compound. Catechins are natural antioxidants that help to prevent cell damage.

Green tea is better for you when compared with other teas. This is because it is usually organic.

There are no negative effects of fermentation. This is because traditional drying is not used.

Some benefits of green tea are:

1. Green Tea Helps With Weight Loss

We all know that exercise and good healthy diet help with weight loss. If you, thus, want to lose more weight for example in your belly, drinking green tea is the way to go.

Natural stimulators can speed up the process more. Green tea is one of the most efficient weight loss stimulators.

The leaves of green tea plants help raise the metabolism of the body. The Polyphenols it contains help to burn fat. The many vitamins and nutrients it has also help.

It increases the number of calories you will burn in 24 hours, and promotes weight loss. The calorie content is zero. That is great news for you if you want something to help you lose some pounds.

Drink a cup of this tea before exercising and this will help you to burn more fat as you do your workout. When you are cooling down from exercising, it continues to work on melting off some weight.

2. Green Tea Is Good for Diabetes

There are many people worldwide who suffer from Type 2 diabetes. Doctors keep it under control by giving patients medication or insulin injections.

Some studies have shown that green tea keeps your insulin levels balanced. As a result, this would keep your diabetes under control.

The Epigallocatechin Gallate found in green tea reduces blood glucose levels.

3. Green Tea Health Benefits Incudes Preventing Bad Breath

The growth of bacteria in the mouth is what causes bad breath. When you drink a cup or two of green tea daily you would fight bad breath and mouth bacteria. The antiviral properties it contains are what cause this to occur.

Many toothpaste and mouthwash manufacturers now put green tea in their products. This help to fight bacteria and viruses.

4. Green Tea Lowers Cholesterol

The benefits of green tea in lowering cholesterol are minimal. Studies have shown that it may reduce LDL cholesterol.

The fact remains that keeping good cholesterol levels can help in having a healthy heart.

5. Cancer Prevention Is a Health Benefit of Green Tea

Studies have shown that cancer can be prevented if you drink green tea daily.

EGCG and other green tea antioxidants kill cancer cells. They also prevent the formation and growth of new blood vessels in tumors.

Cancer occurs when the cells in our bodies do not operate as they should. Instead, they grow too much. This then causes tumors to form in different parts of our bodies.

These become harmful to our health and can even lead to death.

6. Green Tea Is a Great Beauty Remedy For The Skin

Green tea can refresh the face and soothes tired or strained, and dark circles around the eyes. Many beauty products now contain green tea.

Spots and blemishes reduce when used on them.

It is cheaper to use green tea than many other expensive products on the market. It is also all-natural and not synthetic.

7. Antiseptic Health Properties With Green Tea

Green tea can treat minor cuts and rashes. It is an effective treatment for sunburn also.

If you live on a tropical island or taking a holiday there, then green tea can help your skin, if it becomes sunburned.

8. Have the Benefit of Living A Heart Healthy Life With Green Tea

It is proof that green tea helps with keeping the heart healthy. Many diseases can come about if your heart is unhealthy.

It is the catechins that it contains that help. These are very potent epigallocatechin gallates antioxidants found in green tea.

The polyphenols it has are in some fruits and vegetables. They are good for inflammatory effects.

These lower blood pressure and protect against coronary heart disease. The risks of strokes are also reduced.

9. Live Longer Drinking Green Tea

You might be longing to see your kids all grown up and have many years to enjoy your life. The solution then is to try drinking some green tea often.

With all these health benefits, you are sure to have a fabulous body that can be around for many years. Drinking four or five cups a day can work wonders for you if you make it a practice.

10. Receive Green Tea Health Benefits By Getting Rid Of Anxiety and Stress

If you find that you get anxious and stressed out, green tea can help. The theanine it contains is what helps to control the symptoms of anxiety.

Having great green tea benefits mental health also.

11. Improve the Function of Your Brain

There is an increase in brain diseases like Alzheimer’s in our world today. Green tea can protect your risk of getting them. It also can boost your memory and keep your brain cells healthy.

Since it contains caffeine which is a stimulant, your mood can improve. You will even get more energy and not feel tired all the time.

12. Have Great Oral Health Benefits With Green Tea

This tea work wonders for your oral health and can prevent you from getting cavities. When you drink it, bacteria or inflammation that can form in the mouth can reduce.

You will also avoid getting dentures because you will not get cavities. Your teeth and gums will then be healthy and strong, and your oral health will be good.

Some Things Not to Do When Having Green Tea:

  • Do not put boiling water into green tea. If you do it will destroy the catechins it contains. Use hot water instead.
  • Do not drink decaffeinated types of green tea. They do not contain as many nutrients. Adding some lemon to your caffeinated green tea helps in the absorption of its nutrients.
  • Do not buy cheap brands. Go for the premium brands. They are of better quality.

There are almost no side effects to green tea. If you cannot tolerate caffeine it is best to avoid drinking it.

Some people cannot tolerate caffeine although one cup of green tea has only 30-60 mg.

A cup of coffee totals 90 mg.

You might be wondering how much green tea you should drink to get the desired above results. If you usually have three to four cups of coffee daily, replace them with green tea.

You can never go wrong with this change since you will be getting nothing but good health results in your body.

Replacing sodas and other beverages which contain lots of sugar with green tea is a wise thing to do. When you start to do this, you can live a life that is enjoyable, healthy, and worth living.

In Conclusion

As you can see, green tea is well worth consuming because of its natural secret to a healthier life. For example weight loss, antiseptic properties, and oral benefits.

Thus you can have this tea as much as you want to and see these great results without fail.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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