12 Proven Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Women

The people in the Mediterranean know the proven health benefits of extra virgin olive oil.

As a result, they are some of the healthiest people in the world. They have followed The Mediterranean Diet for centuries.  Because extra virgin olive oil is the main source of fat, it is often consumed in many of their dishes.

The antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids it contains offer many health benefits.

Vitamin K and Vitamin E are in extra virgin olive oil. Both of these vitamins keep the heart and blood vessels healthy. Vitamin K is good for blood clotting and Vitamin E helps in forming red blood cells. Small quantities of iron, calcium, and potassium, are also found in extra virgin olive oil.

To get some of its benefits start looking for inventive ways to use it in your recipes. For example, sauteing vegetables, and putting in salad dressings. Since all olive oils are not the same, let us take a look at the ones that are usually available:

Types of Olive Oil

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil – comes from the first pressing of the olives. Has low acidity, great flavor, and a nice aroma.
  • Virgin Olive Oil – This is inferior in quality and milder in taste than Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Refined Olive Oil – Heat and acids get the most out of the olives.
  • Olive Pomace Oil – lowest grade of olive oil. Made from the remains of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and is low in antioxidants.
  • Lampante Virgin Olive Oil – Made from low-quality olives. Is bad for human consumption.

The nutritional value varies in each type of olive oil, because of the methods used to process it. Extra Virgin Olive oil is definitely the best one for you to consume.

It burns fast (because of the monounsaturated fats it contains). For this reason, it is not good for frying foods.

Studies have shown that good quality olive oil, can help you in obtaining a healthy body. Take a look at these 12 proven health benefits. I hope they will encourage you to start using it often.

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Strengthens Your Bones

Milk is always advertised as a must if we want strong bones throughout life. Extra virgin olive oil might also help according to some studies.

As we grow older we get bone loss, which can cause diseases like osteoporosis. Menopausal women and the aged are usually the ones that suffer the most. Studies have shown that there may be a good effect of olive oil on osteoporosis as we grow older.

A compound called oleuropein is in this oil. This may help in the production of the cells that make bones and also keep them healthy.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps With Constipation

Constipation is something everyone faces at some time. Therefore to get some relief, taking a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach can help. You should NOT give extra virgin olive oil to children for constipation.

It is difficult when constipated for the stool to move through the bowel. Thus extra virgin olive oil will make it easier.

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Benefits Your Immune System

The Vitamins E and K found in extra virgin olive oil protect the body from oxygen-free radicals. These can cause the immune system to be unhealthy.

Many infectious diseases occur because of viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites. Our immune system helps to get rid of them. Doctors give us antibiotics to help us at these times, but extra virgin olive oil can do the same for our bodies.

There are antibacterial properties in the polyphenols found in extra virgin olive oil. On the other hand no side effects like those found in medicines.

4. Reducing Inflammation is One of the Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Many people suffer from inflammation in their bodies as they grow older. This is usually displayed in the form of arthritis. The content of oleocanthal in extra virgin olive oil helps with the pain that can occur.

It works well like the anti-inflammatory drug Ibuprofen, without harmful side effects.

5. Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Help Control Alzheimer’s Disease

Extra virgin olive oil may help with the progression or onset of Alzheimer’s disease. However, there is no known complete cure for it. This disease affects the brain cells and causes loss of memory. The plaque that forms between the cells of the brain is what causes this.

New studies when tried on mice have seen some success in patients.

6. Lose Weight With Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Keep a Healthy Body

Going on crash diets does not work in the long term. If you want to lose weight, and keep it off, put some extra virgin olive oil on your salads.

People who follow the Mediterranean diet and use lots of extra virgin olive oil are never overweight.

Making good healthy choices every time you eat is what helps with weight loss and keeps it off forever. Vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, Greek yogurt, and little red meat are what work.

7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Dissolves Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are a build-up of minerals in your urine, which stick together in the kidneys. They can be very painful and you might have to see a doctor and get them removed.

Men would have more difficulty getting them out of their bodies. There are medications that can break them up, or they can get removed by surgery.

For those people that prefer to use a natural homemade remedy, they take a mixture of lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. You must also drink plenty of water, to help flush them out.

If followed for a couple of days, the Vitamin C in the lemon is what dissolves the stones. The extra virgin olive oil will act as a lubricant, making it easy for the kidney stone to come out when urinating.

Benefits of olive oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

8. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Benefits by Reducing High Cholesterol

If you are experiencing a problem with high cholesterol, extra virgin olive oil can help to lower it. We know that high cholesterol is when plaque forms in your arteries. Some other health risks are causing a heart attack or a stroke.

The monounsaturated fat known as oleic acid is in extra virgin olive oil. This can help to lower your cholesterol.

9. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps With Killing Cancer Cells

The antioxidants and vitamins found in extra virgin olive oil prevent certain types of cancers.

Studies have shown that it can kill cancer cells. Scientists have found that in less than an hour, they die when you use extra virgin olive oil.

10. During Pregnancy Extra Virgin Olive Oil Gives Great Health Benefits

This oil prevents stretch marks during pregnancy. It is also healthy for you and the baby. The good fats in extra virgin olive oil help in giving the baby a healthy immune system.

When used during pregnancy the results are worth it.

11. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps With Depression

Extra virgin olive oil offers some mental benefits. It helps with depression when following The Mediterranean Diet.

Other foods consumed would include beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and eggs. These are definitely great to consume if you want to have good mental health.

12. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Gives Health Benefits When Cooking

With so many benefits of extra virgin olive oil, it is worth it if you make it your choice of oil when cooking.

Since this oil is a natural food, you can use it in many of your recipes. Why not give it a try? When you cook with extra virgin olive oil, you are sure that you are keeping your body in excellent health.

Do make sure, that the brand is good before purchasing. Many of them are usually mixed with other oils. These are of inferior qualities.

In Conclusion

With extra virgin olive oil being so good for us women, making it part of our daily diet is a must.

Knowing that it can help us lose weight, strengthen our bones as we grow older, help during pregnancy, and keep our bodies healthy it should be always found in our kitchen cabinets.



I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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