How to Start the Mediterranean Diet – All you Need to Know

Do you want to know how to start the Mediterranean Diet?

If you want to start to live a healthier life following this way of eating is the way to go.

Taking a look at your diet is always a great place to begin.

I know you must have some knowledge of the USDA MyPlate, but do you always follow it? If you are honest, I guess the answer would be no.

It states the foods that we should be eating daily if we want to be healthier. It also recommends the amount we should be having. We know this is good, but the Mediterranean Diet is also another method that you can follow and get great results.

What Is The Mediterranean Diet?

You might be wondering what exactly is the Mediterranean Diet. It allows you to eat many of the great foods consumed worldwide. It is not a diet in and of itself, but a way to improve your health. If you want to lose some weight it can also help.

It was first looked into on the island of Crete (the largest island in the country of Greece), after World War 2. This is how it got its name.

A medical team from the Rockefeller Foundation discovered how the people there ate. It had greater health benefits than in the United States.

They did not suffer from many of the illnesses found in the west, and also lived longer.

Since this is not a diet as you would know it, you only have to make some easy healthy changes to see results.

A few of the countries that follow the Mediterranean diet are Italy, Spain, and Turkey. Every country has different recipes and ways of preparing meals.

I thought it would be a good idea to take a closer look at The Mediterranean Diet. I also wanted to encourage you to try it out, if you want to make a change toward a healthier lifestyle.

How to Start the Mediterranean Diet

Being active and exercising is very important when beginning the Mediterranean Diet. You can do some extra walking, bicycling, running, or aerobics. These are all good for your health. You need to be active in whatever areas best suit your lifestyle.

Your busy schedules many times may prevent you from having meals with your family. This is a no-no in this region. Family comes first. They often have meals together. This causes closer family ties and is an excellent thing to practice.

It can make a change in the lives of many people if they would put it into action.

The foods eaten in The Mediterranean Diet comprise plant-based foods. These include fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, legumes, grains, herbs, and spices. Fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, and moderate amounts of wine are also consumed.

The people following this way of eating consume only a small amount of red meat.

Dairy products like Greek yogurt, cheeses, and milk are also part of their meals.

Let us now take a look at how you can begin your Mediterranean Diet food journey.

Food Eaten on The Mediterranean Diet

Increase Your Whole Grains

Instead of white flour, change to whole grains like barley, oats, and wheat. These keep you fuller for longer periods. The extra fiber is great for your body. If you like pita bread, you can give those a try. You can find them at many grocery stores.

When you fill them up with beans, lentils, vegetables, or chicken, you are in for a great tasty meal.

Whole-grain bread is also eaten often with meals in the Mediterranean.

Start the Mediterranean Diet by Eating More Fruit for Dessert

If it is normal for you to have dessert after you have a meal, that is no problem. Instead of those pies and cakes that contain so many calories, you can have fruit instead. Bananas, grapes, and watermelon are some great choices.

There are many other fruits you can choose from. Loaded with vitamins and nutrients, they will keep your body healthy.

Eat the ones you enjoy most. By doing this you can still please your sweet tooth but, in a wholesome way.

You can eat the other desserts on special occasions. For example, at parties, weddings, and holiday events.

Have Those Veggies On the Mediterranean Diet

Eating vegetables is excellent if you try the Mediterranean Diet. Included are all types of leafy greens.

If you love pizza, try it with vegetables. Make the dough with whole wheat flour. Top it with sweet peppers, mushrooms, onions, olives, and spinach. Do not forget the cheese. Try some feta or mozzarella. Use tomato sauce and dry spices also.

If you prefer vegetables roasted, put them on the barbecue grill, like a kebab.

Some healthy vegetable soups would be great, served with whole-grain bread.

With so many vegetables to choose from, you can try them in many different ways.

Do Not Forget Your Dairy Products

When having a dairy product, Greek yogurt is the one to eat. Put some fresh fruit like strawberries or blueberries in it. You will not miss the sugar-laden ones that are usually found in grocery stores. They have many additives that are not very good for your body.

Greek yogurt is also very good for your digestive system. It gives you a healthy gut from the probiotic cultures it contains. There is also B6, B12, protein, zinc, potassium, and calcium found in it.

Reduce Your Red Meat Intake With the Mediterranean Diet

Red meat is not eaten every day in The Mediterranean Diet like in the western world. Only once a week or on special occasions is it consumed. You can reduce the amount by cutting it into smaller pieces. In other words, eat less of it.

Chicken and eggs are also eaten.

Including beans and legumes for your protein is easy. If you do not like only beans at every meal, you can use them along with the meat. In other words, use half meat and half beans.

You will soon realize that they are very tasty. Some great-tasting ones are kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, and lentils. You can even put them into stews, soups, or burgers.

Do Not Cut Out the Good Fats

Over the years we have heard that fat is bad for you in the medical world. Now they have changed their minds and say our body needs some fats. The Mediterranean Diet has that covered.

In our part of the world, the “bad fats” are not good for our bodies if we want to keep them healthy.

Foods like avocados, nuts, olives, and extra-virgin olive oil contain good fats. These are all eaten in the Mediterranean Diet.

Olive oil is the main source that fat comes from. It is used in almost every meal. Give it a try on your fresh salads, pasta dishes, and tomato sauces. Be inventive.

Extra virgin olive oil burns fast and is not good for frying.

If you want to try all this healthy stuff out, take it slow. You do not have to do it all at once. Start to improve the way you create your meals. With some innovation, you can still have what you like but do it in healthier ways.

If you love hamburgers, try making them with lentils, or a blend of minced meat. Make sure it is from Grade A grass-fed cows.

If you love chicken, this recipe made from cauliflower is a great alternative. Try out some new stuff and it will surprise you what you come up with. Check out the video below as an example.

Chicken Mediterranean Diet Alternative

Enjoy your Wine When Starting the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet also suggests having at least a glass of wine daily for women, and men two glasses. If you do not drink alcohol use some grape juice instead to keep a healthy heart.

Looking at how to start the Mediterranean Diet shows that you can live a well-rounded life. It allows you to not only eat and live well but enjoy doing it. Until next time, keep healthy.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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