The 12 Best Foods That Help Fight Belly Fat

Knowing for sure the foods that fight belly fat can sometimes pose a problem.

If you have been trying with little success, you are not alone. It is always so easy to put the weight on, but getting it off is where it can become difficult.

You might have even tried going to the gym as a New Year’s resolution as many people do. Before the first month ends, it is clear they have wasted their money.

Having extra fat in your belly area is not good for your health, so getting it off as fast as you can is the correct thing to do.

It increases inflammation and affects hormone production. This often causes some cancers, and diabetes and increases the risk of heart disease.

The cheapest and best way for you to start losing belly fat is by trying some natural methods.

These 12 unprocessed foods that fight belly fat belly which I have below can work for you.

There is no need to go to the gym to see results. Of course, it is always great to do exercise to keep your body fit.

These foods are also from the different food groups needed for a healthy body. Putting together a great meal then has never been easier.

I have also added a few helpful tips. They will aid in stopping you from those bad habits, which have been causing you to put on the extra pounds on your belly:

1. Barley

Barley is a grain that has many nutrients and health benefits.

It reduces the “bad” LDL cholesterol. You will also have a healthier heart, improve digestion, and lose weight.

The soluble fiber it contains makes you feel fuller for longer periods throughout the day. For this reason, it will help your body to lose weight, and this, of course, includes belly fat.

It is better to consume it in whole grain forms like flour and flakes. The processed ones like the pearl variety are not as healthy for your body.

2. Greek Yogurt

All yogurts do not offer the same health benefits. Greek yogurt is great because the probiotics it contains give you a healthy gut.

Another great thing is that it has protein, which is good for keeping you fuller and more satisfied. This then means less eating and more belly fat melting away.

Studies have shown that the calcium it contains helps to drop some inches off of the belly.

3. Chick Peas

Chickpeas or garbanzo beans are legumes that are very healthy and help with weight loss. They are a good substitute for meat because of their high fiber and protein content.

When it comes to losing belly fat in a natural way these two nutrients are fantastic too. Your saturated fat intake will also reduce.

They contain iron, phosphorus magnesium, and copper. One cup gives 84% of the daily amount of needed manganese.

Some people have problems tolerating them. If you are someone who gets gas when you eat them here is a solution I have tried. It works well for me and can for you also.

When cooking them yourself, soak your chickpeas overnight in water. Add one tablespoon of baking soda to the water and stir. Wash them well before cooking. This also causes them to cook more quickly.

You cannot go wrong with chickpeas, because, like all legumes, they are good for your health.

4. Onions

Onions are one of those foods that have become a part of our daily meals. Did you know how beneficial they are for losing fat from the tummy?

Having a good source of soluble fiber makes them a powerful prebiotic food. In other words, they help to produce good bacteria in your gut, which helps with weight loss.

You can continue or start to use this vegetable more often now you know how good it is for you.

5. Tuna

When you are trying to lose weight, water-packed canned tuna is a quick and easy food to prepare.

It also comes in oil but contains more calories. 100 grams of water packed contains 116 calories, and the same amount of oil has 198 calories. Those extra calories can add up over time.

Since the fish is already cooked you can use it when making a simple salad.

Put together some lettuce, tomatoes, grated carrots, cucumber, and sweet pepper.

Salad dressing can be made with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Italian seasoning, and sea salt. Voila! and you cannot ask for healthier or tastier quick food.

Of course, the recipes are endless, you do what pleases you.

Remember that water-packed tuna is also high in very good protein. It is low in calories and is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These are great for your health.

They keep your heart healthy and prevent inflammation from forming in your body.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is known for its many health benefits, It keeps your heart healthy and prevents some cancers. Did you know it is one of those foods that fight belly fat?

It has catechins, which are antioxidants that do the job well.

Now you know how green tea can help, get a few cups a day and it will work wonders for you in getting a flat tummy.

7. Romaine Lettuce

Eating green leafy vegetables is a great way to lose weight. Romaine lettuce can be used in your salads along with other vegetables.

It is a good source of Vitamin k, Vitamin C, folate, beta-carotene, and manganese.

The trace mineral chromium is also found in romaine lettuce. Along with exercise, it may improve or keep your body mass and help with losing belly fat.

This is one of those foods that you must wash before use. Remove each leaf as desired and clean them well before using them in your salads.

8. Oatmeal

We all know that oatmeal keeps our cholesterol under control and is good for the heart.

To get off your belly fat it works great also. This fiber-rich food keeps you full for longer periods. It is lower in calories than packaged cereals.

Instead of using instant use steel-cut oats. They usually have lots of sugar and artificial flavorings. The steel-cut oats also keep your appetite under control.

Try to avoid putting sugar and high-calorie sweeteners in your oatmeal. Bananas, dates, and raisins are delicious substitutes. You can also use low-fat, almond, or soy milk in it as part of a good breakfast.

9. Berries

Berries like raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries are fruits that burn off belly fat. They have a lot of antioxidants and nutrients which have many health benefits.

If you want a great low-calorie snack use berries instead of processed ones. These are not very healthy for you.

Berries are rich in dietary fiber, potassium, and, vitamin C.

10. Brocolli

Brocolli is one of those vegetables that keeps fat from around your organs. It contains calcium which helps with weight loss even around the tummy.

You should always make sure broccoli is always on your list when you go to the store.

It is not only good for weight loss but also helps to prevent high cholesterol. It fights some cancers, detoxifies the body, and improves digestion.

11. Pistachios

Pistachios like all other nuts are high in calories. The good fat found in them, when used in moderation helps to lose weight around the belly area.

The fiber they contain keeps you feeling full and prevents you from longing for more food. This helps you to burn more fat and drop weight.

Other nuts that are good for weight loss are cashews, almonds, walnuts, and brazil nuts. A handful, whenever you want a healthy snack, is a great way to control what you eat daily.

12. Eggs

Another natural fat-burning food is eggs. Cook them in any way that you prefer. They are also quite satisfying.

We always use them at breakfast time but this can change. Why not also give them a try at lunch and dinner?

Eggs are low in calories and rich in minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and good protein. If you want to lose weight you must reduce your calories. Eggs then are the foods you should eat.

High protein is what reduces your cravings throughout the day. They also help to burn more calories.

Some foods that you should avoid if you want to have a flat belly, are in this video.

Foods to Avoid to Fight Belly Fat

Tips to Help Fight Belly Fat

  • Avoid eating after 8:00 pm. If you must, eat low-calorie healthy foods.
  • Avoid stress. It never solves the problem and is bad for your health in many ways.
  • Stop being a couch potato. Become more active. It is what the body needs.
  • Start an exercise program. It can be as simple as taking a 30-minute walk or going swimming.
  • Drink more water. The benefits of water are limitless. Try 8-10 glasses daily because your body needs them to keep hydrated and healthy.

Starting to consume these 12 great healthy natural foods as part of your meals will work well for you. The belly fat will soon disappear and you will become healthier and look fabulous.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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