14 Foods That Can Make Your Skin Look Younger

Have you been looking for some ways to make your skin look younger?

We all know the aging process is a part of life. It is how we look as we age that is important to many of us. To be successful at having lovely skin it must start from within. In other words, what we eat plays a very important part.

The skin is the largest organ. Most of us women agree on one thing. We will do all we can to keep the wrinkles away. As we age the collagen in our body reduces. To keep your skin looking plump and radiant, you must always have a healthy diet.

With these 14 great foods, you will continue or start to have a healthy body and beautiful skin.

1. Sardines

Sardines contain selenium which is great for your skin if you want it to look younger. The body does not naturally produce selenium. You then will have to get it from the food that you eat.

They also are a rich source of omega-3 and 6 fats. Sardines also have other skin-conditioning nutrients and protein.

2. Turmeric

This healthy spice can be found in many kitchens today. When used in stews and in other meals it can make the food delicious. Turmeric is what gives curry that bright yellow color.

Another way you can use turmeric is as part of your beauty care. When used on your face and neck it can do wonders for your skin. For example, if you mix it with honey you may get some great results.

Honey can offer many benefits when used on your skin. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric will brighten up your skin and cause it to glow. These are two great combinations if you want your skin to look and keep healthy.

3. Cocoa

There is nothing as tasty as a nice cup of hot cocoa to keep you warm when it is cold outside. Studies have also shown cocoa is not only healthy but can do wonders for the way your skin looks.  It increases your blood flow and keeps your skin well-hydrated.

When you have your cocoa in dark chocolate that can be a treat for your tastebuds. This also helps to retain moisture and improve circulation in the skin. You will then have the appearance of healthier younger-looking skin.

4. Garlic

It has antifungal, antiseptic, antioxidant, and antibiotic benefits.  When used in foods it gives a fabulous flavor.

When it comes to beauty benefits garlic works very well for your skin also. The antioxidants it contains may help with preventing blackheads and getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines.

The sulfur found in garlic increases the collagen in your skin and helps with the fading away of fine lines and wrinkles. By making garlic a daily part of your meals you may see a more youthful appearance.

5. Onion

Vitamin C is one of those antioxidants that are great for your skin. It is found in onion in large quantities. This can keep you looking younger and healthier.

The onion will also help with boosting the collagen in your skin and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

Do you have a problem with acne?  The naturally high amount of sulfur this vegetable contains can help to keep it under control. Onions have many other benefits.  Since it can be used in many recipes why not give it a try?

6. Avocado

Avocados are one of those fruits that can turn any meal into a great one.  It has some fabulous health benefits. When you have avocado as part of your meals it can be used in salads, guacamole on toast and the list goes on.

Avocado oil can be found in many cosmetics today. It contains Vitamins E, A, and D, beta carotene, fatty acids, lecithin, and protein. The skin is also protected from being damaged by UV rays and kept soft and supple. Your collagen can also be increased.

7. Papaya

Papaya contains loads of vitamins and helps to remove dark spots and reduce signs of aging. The antioxidants that it contains may also reduce wrinkles.

This fruit has in it the enzyme papain, which is great for its inflammatory properties.

8. Strawberries

The Vitamin C that is found in strawberries is good for your skin. It will make it glow and be healthy-looking.

If you want to get rid of those free radicals that can cause damage to your cells, the alpha-hydroxy acids found in strawberries may help. The collagen in your skin will also be improved. These fruits will give you a youthful and radiant appearance.

9. Tomatoes

The strong antioxidant lycopene is found in tomatoes. This will help not only your skin but your complete health.

Antioxidants work well in keeping away signs of aging.  This then means fewer wrinkles for you and great-looking skin.

Tomatoes then can help you feel better about yourself because you will be looking younger.

10. Pineapples

If you want to improve the look of your skin pineapples can help you out. Try it a few times on your skin and you will notice a difference.

Making it a part of a great healthy fruit salad is also another way you can get some benefits from pineapples. Before you know it your skin will look brighter and younger.

11. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds contain Omega 3 fatty acids called Alpha-Linolenic Acid. They will protect your skin from the damage that can come from the rays of the sun.  Your skin can become very dry if it gets too much sun.

Consuming flaxseeds whether in oil or boiled in water and used as a drink, they can make your skin smoother and hydrated.

12. Cheese

Cheeses contain selenium. This helps with the healing of some skin diseases.

They also have niacin which moistens, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and repairs any damage on the top layer of the skin.

Vitamin B found in cheese can help to take away any blemishes on the skin. It also causes healthy cells to grow and gives you glowing skin.

13. Blueberries

Blueberries are loaded with vitamin C.  Wrinkles are formed from inflammation. The antioxidants found in blueberries can prevent your skin from looking older than you are.

Study after study has shown that these berries can keep your skin looking young even as you age.

14. Honey

Honey has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties that can do wonders for your skin. It will keep it well moisturized and supple and looking healthy.

Many products today contain this great food, but consuming it is even better.

Having extraordinary-looking skin definitely can add a feeling of satisfaction to anyone.  Knowing that you look younger than your age can also give you the assurance that you look great. These 14 healthy foods can carry out that job well.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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