19 Foods That Strengthen your Immune System

Have you been wondering how you can strengthen your immune system? Today I will give you some of the help you need.  Covid-19 is still around and this is just the time you must keep your body well.

I have 19 of the best healthiest foods that can do just that for you naturally.

Our bodies can usually fight off many of the germs that are around. However, there are times when it becomes run down. Illnesses like the flu then cannot be fought off. When this occurs you need to get your body back to a healthy state as fast as you can.

The best place to start is by living a healthy lifestyle. Doing this will allow you to be one step ahead of keeping your immune system in tip-top shape.

Some Healthy Ways to Strengthen your Immune System

  • Wash your hands well and often with soap and water.
  • Always defrost your food in the microwave or refrigerator. Never do this on the kitchen counters. Doing this can help you from getting illnesses like salmonella.
  • Make sure you cook food completely.  Foods like chicken should be cooked to 180° F.
  • Keep hydrated with water.
  • Clean all bruises or cuts well. Bandage to avoid germs getting into them.  In serious cases check with your doctor.
  • Keep your children up to date with their immunizations.
  • When sneezing or coughing you should cover your nose or mouth. Use a tissue or elbow to avoid airborne germs.
  • Consume a healthy diet.  Include lots of vegetables and fruits.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Get 7 or more hours of sleep at the same time nightly.
  • Exercise often

In addition to living a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition will also improve your immune system naturally. Let us now look at those 19 foods I promised you earlier.

These contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.  Studies show that eating fruits and vegetables is healthy for you. When they contain nutrients like Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and Vitamin E these also help to boost the immune system.

People who eat these foods have a lower risk of getting certain illnesses. These include strokes, heart problems, and, cancer.

1. Ginger

Ginger is a powerful root spice when it comes to strengthening your immune system. Why not give it a try by making it part of your daily diet?  It is also rich in antioxidants and is known for treating various types of infections, inflammation, and arthritis.

The gingerol it contains is what makes ginger improve the immunity of your body.

You can easily get ginger into your diet daily. About 4 grams is fine. Put it in your stews or curry dishes. Making it into tea will even keep away the cold and flu.

 2. Strawberries

Strawberries like all berries are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C. This help to fight off free radicals which can harm your body.

You can put them in your plain Greek yogurt. This will help to cut down on your sugar intake. Many fruit yogurts on the market are loaded with added sugar. When you put your fruit you know that you are eating healthier.

You can also toss some strawberries in your fruit salads and smoothies.

These fruits are full of Vitamin C which also fights off free radicals which can harm your body.

3. Lemons

Now is the best time to boost your immune system with lemons.  DO NOT put your “health guard” down. Again I remind you that the coronavirus is still around.

Like other citrus fruits, lemons are high in Vitamin C. They contain antibacterial and antiviral properties. These keep your immune system strong.

The nutrients that are found in one lemon include:

  • Calories: 17
  • Dietary Fiber: 1.6 g
  • Vitamin C: 51%
  • Calcium: 1 %
  • Iron: 1%
  • Magnesium: 1%

Starting your morning with a glass of water and a squeezed lemon can do wonders for you. This puts your body in an alkaline state.

If you suffer from anemia, adding a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses can help to increase the iron in your body.

4. Black Pepper

Maybe you always have black pepper on the table in case your food needs some more flavor.

But did you know that it has great benefits for your immunity? For example, it prevents bacterial growth in your intestinal tract.

Black pepper also has antioxidant, antibacterial, and inflammatory properties.

5. Sardines

Sardines are one of those oily fishes that contain omega-3 fatty acids. These are needed for a healthy immune system.

The little bones found in sardines contain calcium. This vitamin keeps our bones strong and helps to prevent illnesses like osteoporosis.

You can try them with lemon juice, onions, red sweet peppers, and cayenne pepper. Whatever healthy spices you love you can use when making sardines part of a meal.

Sardines also contain vitamins B12, B6, A, and D.

6. Chicken

To make sure that your immune system does not suffer, poultry like chicken should be part of your diet.

This type of protein is filled with zinc and iron. When the body lacks these two nutrients it can cause your immune system to become weak.

A serving of 100 grams of lean chicken daily will do the trick.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli is loaded with minerals and vitamins. It is probably one of the healthiest vegetables around. The antioxidants found in it are very good for you. Fiber, Vitamin C, A, and E are also in broccoli.

Although it is not a fruit, Vitamin C in broccoli is very high. It is better to do as little cooking as possible or eat it raw.  The heat reduces its nutrients.

8. Watermelon

When you want a fruit that can boost your immune system give watermelon a try.

It is low in calories so no need to be afraid of gaining weight. Two cups have only 80 calories. This fruit is made up of lots of water which fills you up quickly. So if you have been trying to lose weight to keep your body healthy have watermelon daily.

9. Pistachios

Pistachios contain healthy fats and protein. They have an adequate amount of Vitamin B6 which is needed if you want to keep a healthy immune system. This helps your blood to flow well so that oxygen can be taken through your bloodstream to your cells.

The antioxidants that can be found in these nuts are the carotenoids lutein and Zeaxanthin and Vitamin E.

You can snack on about 30 almonds daily. The high-fat content can increase the calories. I know you do not want that. 🙂

10. Greek Yogurt

The good bacteria found in Greek yogurt can keep your gut healthy. You can even lose weight. This is a must if you want overall good health.

The nutrients found in Greek yogurt are also good for digestion and strengthening your immune system.

11. Garlic

Garlic is one of those foods that is used regularly in many meals all over the world.  When added to any dish it gives a lovely favor. It can help to fight off many infections.

You can cut a few cloves up and toss them in your pasta sauces, gravies, and meat dishes.

It helps with keeping colds away. The antioxidant allicin which it contains is what does a great job.

Some of the nutrients found in garlic are potassium and calcium.

It can even help to kill parasites in our bodies.

12. Papaya

Papaya has lots of Vitamin C.  Papain is an enzyme found in papaya. This can help to break down the proteins in meat. This nice tasty fruit also contains antioxidants, folate, Vitamin A, potassium, and vitamin B. These are all good for your immune system.

13. Mangoes

The antioxidants found in mangoes cause your body to fight off inflammation, and free radicals and prevent cell damage.

They contain mangiferin.

If you want a good source of immune-boosting nutrients to consume, put mangoes on your list.

You will get 10% of your daily needed Vitamin A. This fights off infections keeping your immune system in tip-top shape.

14. Raw Honey

Help fight off viruses with raw honey. The phytonutrients in it give anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits.

Do remember that because it is sweet you have to limit the amount you consume. If this is your only source of sugar, 6 teaspoons are the limit for your daily intake.

15. Turmeric

Turmeric has more health-boosting benefits than you might realize. This spice is  anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial

and, antibacterial, to name a few.

With all these properties, when you use turmeric in your gravies and other dishes you will feel great.

16. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not only one of those foods that taste great, but they are also good for strengthening your immune system.

A medium size has 30 % Vitamin C and 120 % Vitamin A daily value. They fight off viruses too.

They also have a good amount of fiber and are fat-free, and cholesterol-free.

17. Pomegranate Juice

Lab tests have shown that pomegranate juice helps to fight off bacteria and some illnesses.

It contains antioxidants and has some great health benefits.

18. Button Mushrooms

Mushrooms are high in niacin riboflavin and selenium. They are also full of polysaccharides.

You should give them a try in dishes like scrambled eggs and pasta sauces. They give a texture of meat if you are trying to reduce the amount you are eating. Putting them on your healthy pizza is a good place to begin.

19. Avocados

Avocado is a type of fruit that can do wonders for your health. They are often referred to as a superfood because they have a lot of nutritional content.

They are high in fiber, Vitamin E, folate, magnesium, and potassium. 18 of the 22 amino acids needed for our bodies are found in avocados.

The powerful antioxidant glutathione which they contain is what strengthens your immune system. This is needed for keeping your lymphoid cells healthy.

Although they are high in “good fats” you do not need to feel guilty making them part of your meals. Just be careful not to eat the whole avocado in one sitting. :).

How could you not have a healthy immune system after making these 19 foods a part of your daily meals? With their healthy nutrients,  you are on your way to preparing your body for any viruses that may come your way.



I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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