14 Proven Ways How to Increase Productivity in the Workplace

Do you want to know how to increase productivity in your workplace?

This of course is the desire of every business owner.

These 14 ways will help you get the successful results you long for.

1. Respect your Employees to Increase Productivity

 Workers are the greatest asset in any business. Always make them see how important they are to you by showing them respect at all times.

Have a good relationship with them, and they will have a good one with you.

As the owner of your business, you will no doubt expect this from your employees. By giving them the same, they will treat your customers well and, give their best.

This great service also gives customers a reason to want to come again to your establishment.

2. Keep Technology Up to Date to Increase Productivity in your Workplace

No business should be behind when it comes to technology. If this happens it can cause a reduction in seeing results of profit for any establishment.

Always keep on top of what is new in your industry. By doing this you will be a step ahead of many other businesses.

This of course might mean continued training for employees. In turn, you will see the business results you need.

3. Make your business a Fun Place to Work

You should aim to have your business a fun place to work for your employees. Happy workers mean better work and an increase in productivity.

Have hikes, family picnics, and free lunches, and bring the kids to work with them on certain days. This will help them to balance work and family life easier.

Asking what they want is another way. By doing this you definitely will be doing what they love most, and not what you think they might want.

Never make them hate coming to work or dread working with you.

4. Have Breaks Throughout the Day

God has created our bodies in such a way that resting at intervals is a must.

Many modern products help to make work easier. The body after working for a certain amount of time yet needs to stop. You should be having breaks during each work shift for workers, to take some minutes away from work.

This could be a time for a coffee break, a walk outside, or being away from a busy schedule.

The thing is to give them these intervals throughout the working day to rest for a while.

When this occurs they will revive and be able to carry out their work better.

5. Show Employees you Appreciate Them

We all love to feel appreciated. Whether it be from our spouses, children, family members, or bosses. We all desire to know when we do a good job. Saying words of appreciation to your employees can go a long way.

In cases where you might be facing a problem in the business be truthful to your staff. Do not wait and tell them when they least expect it.

Let them know this information ahead of time. They might even come up with ideas that might solve the problems you are facing at a particular time.

All in all, they will feel that they are a part of the business, and will no doubt want only the best for its progress.

6. Practice Division of Labor Among Employees

Division of labor is when you give individual parts of a job in small segments to your workers.

They will then specialize in that area, which will increase productivity. This will avoid having one person carry out the complete process.

A good example is when you need some content written for your website. You can have it divided up using the one who provides the particular topic that is being dealt with. Another can write it. Then you may have an editor and finally a proofreader.

The project is so much easier, makes your business successful, and more work done.

Your workers will train quicker when they are doing one task.

If someone gets a promotion, leaves, or retires it will be easier to train another person. That means less time teaching them only one process.

Division of labor means more done because your workers will be excellent at what they do.

With more money coming into your business, you can increase wages. This means happier workers.

7. Increase Productivity With Effective Communication

Good communication in the workplace is very important. Individuals who know what they must do produce the kind of work that helps any business.

When employees know what you expect to run your business well, they will feel part of the business.

Doing their best would also be a priority. They feel appreciated when you let them know what is happening.

They will also respect and always try to please you.

When each person has communicated and knows what to do there is no need for guessing. The workers will also not waste unnecessary time.

8. Meet Deadlines in the Workplace

When you keep to the deadlines this makes work so much easier.

Having a schedule to follow is good. You can then do it step by step until it is all finished.

Meeting deadlines can also prevent feeling stressed.

Even more important, customers will see you as not being very efficient if deadlines are not met. You might even lose some of them

9. Set Realistic Goals to See More Productivity 

When you set realistic goals you can be sure that the results would be an increase in business.

Do not try to give customers false hopes when you know you or your staff can never get a particular job at a certain time.

This not only places you in a situation where anxiety occurs, but your workers will also suffer.

By expecting unrealistic goals from them, they will lose trust in you. They might also feel you are taking advantage of them.

Have a great relationship with your workers. This will improve productivity

10. Offer Career Development Opportunities

Since no one likes to be stuck in a rut, why should your employees experience this at work?

With technology improving at a rapid speed daily, you must make sure that you and your employees are up to date. This then means educational training is a must.

It might mean bringing in an expert in your particular field of business. Education programs can also be useful. Staff who are well-trained know that there will always be room for advancement in the workplace for them. They will then work to see it accomplished.

Workers do not like to feel stifled and prevented from career development opportunities. They will leave your establishment as soon as they find a business that appreciates them. To avoid losing good workers keep them well-educated in the workplace.

Employees recognize bosses who care enough to offer them career development opportunities. They will then put into practice what they learned.

By adding value to your business production will increase.

They will also know that you delight in seeing them advance in life.

11. Effective Time Management

 Effective time management is a must in any business. Time is money as we all know. Waste it and less money will come in.

 You then must manage time and not let it manage you.

There will always be times when you cannot get things done as you hoped.

Some ways to get back on schedule quickly are:

  • Always leave extra time between plans for delays.
  • Keep a daily to-do list.
  • Get feedback from staff.
  • Learn some time management skills.
  • Do the most important things first.
  • Do not be hard on yourself if you do not finish all you wanted to.
  • Avoid distractions.
  • Keep away from multitasking.
  • Delegate work to others.

Make sure that your workers know what they must do daily. This can only work when you have a great time management system.

When organized well it will produce growth for the company.

12. Get Rid of Work Distractions

Getting rid of these distractions is another way you can grow your business even more.

Limit Technology Usage by Workers

This would include cell phones, and browsing the internet instead of working.

Let your workers know this. Utilizing them at break or when it is a must is the best time.

Spending too Much Time Chatting With Other Workers

Having great relationships is good for any business. Spending too much time chatting when work should be going on however causes a lot of wasted time.

This can happen during the break, during social events, or at any other convenient time.

A Cluttered Workplace

When working in a space that is not well organized it can take more time to get things done.

Making sure all information is available when needed can rectify this.

Having a good computer filing system, or products set out in a proper manner is a must.

Not Having a Clear Idea of What Work Each Employee Must Do

When they are not clear on the work that they should be doing staff can waste lots of time daily.

It might mean planning ahead for weeks. Do what works for your business.

Having everything set out will keep your business running well. You will also get great financial results.

If you have staff members who already respect you this will be no problem.

13. Know What is Happening in your Business

Get feedback from your staff. By doing this you will always know what problems are being faced and how to correct them.

There is no better way to know this than from the ones who are facing it each day.

Try to avoid the mistake many business owners do. They often think because it is their business they know it all.

Nothing is wrong with humbling yourself in front of your employees. This is a good practice.

You can be sure to see great productivity results.

14. Hire the Best Employees Available

At all times hire the greatest employees you can find.

Never let your aim be to have staff who you can pay very cheap wages. They will not be able to give you excellent work.

This will not be good for your business.

Nothing is worst than having workers who care little about you or your business. They will never give their best in cases like this.

Having excellent employees will mean more than their credentials.

They should also have experience and good working ethics. Paying close attention can prevent problems for your business in the future.

When given a probation period, you can keep a keen eye on their work ethics.

When there is a problem deal with it. Talking it over kindly with them and letting them know what you expect is a great place to start.

In cases where the worker is what you want never take them for granted. Although they might be new on the job show them your appreciation.

This might be something as simple as letting them know what a superb job they are doing.


When you want to increase productivity in your workplace there must be teamwork. You need employees and they need you.

Employees who feel appreciated will always make sure your business productivity increases.

Keep on top of all that happens. Doing this can bring about a business that profits in all areas you getting the required results.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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