Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Risk of Gestational Diabetes

If you are wondering what is Gestational Diabetes let me begin by making it clear to you. This is the stage in pregnancy when many women experience diabetes. A study has now shown that this can be reduced by following the Mediterranean Diet. It can also prevent gaining too much weight and getting Type 2 diabetes later in life.

Since diabetes can harm your baby and yourself, if you are thinking of getting a baby, now is the time to take a look at the Mediterranean Diet. This is a healthy way of eating.

It consists of foods that are rich in good, unsaturated fats. These include walnuts and extra virgin olive oil. Fruits and vegetables are increased and healthy proteins are a must.

There is also a reduction in the risk of getting a stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular diseases in adults.

Here are some treatments to reduce getting diabetes during pregnancy :

Follow your Doctors’ Orders for Gestational Diabetes

The aim is to keep your glucose levels stable during your time of pregnancy. It should be the same as if you were not having a baby. If you are someone who normally eats lots of foods that contains sugar, you need to stop eating so much. By doing this the chances of getting diabetes will decrease.

It may mean getting your glucose checked regularly, being active, and changing the way you eat. Your doctor will, of course, know what is best for you. Try to follow all that is required when they tell you what to do. Keep in mind that your doctor knows better than you what is best for your health.

Sticking to these new changes will give you a healthy pregnancy and birth. They may also avoid your baby and you from being unhealthy in the future.

Make Healthy Food Choices

This is where the Mediterranean Diet comes in. Here are some suggestions for what you should start eating:

  • Eat lots of vegetables and whole fruits. There are many choices to choose from if you love variety, which is the spice of life. Do not forget to increase your dark green vegetables. These are great sources of vitamins C, K, A, and folate. They also contain fiber, iron, and calcium. Iron and folate during pregnancy are recommended for good health for both the baby and the mother.
  • Moderate amounts of lean proteins and healthy fats. These would include extra-virgin olive oil, chicken, and turkey. If you prefer to get your protein from legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and black beans they are excellent also.
  • Moderate amounts of whole grains, like bread, cereal, pasta, and starchy vegetables, such as peas and corn. These would increase your intake of fiber and many good nutrients which will be good overall. Do take care not to eat too much. They can easily be replaced with vegetables and fruits, which will keep you fuller for longer. periods.

When you eat healthy like this, you can prevent diabetes and many health problems.

Do Not Forget Your Exercises

Exercising is usually reduced at this time. You, however, do not want to become lazy or overweight. Sitting around because you are pregnant can cause this to happen. Take some short walks in areas you enjoy. For example a park. I did this during my pregnancy and only gained a few extra pounds after the baby was born. When it was time for delivery it was not that difficult at all.

I know every woman is different, and some do have issues at this time. I, however, believe that since I did not allow myself to become a couch potato, but was moving regularly my body was not sluggish. The baby seemed that way also. 🙂

Diabetes is controlled when exercising is done. During pregnancy, this also will happen and the chances of  Gestational Diabetes reduced.

Controlling Your Weight Can Help With Gestational Diabetes

Many women when they are pregnant get the idea that since they are eating for two it means two adults. Keep in mind that you are eating to get a healthy baby and keep yourself in top shape. Taking this time to overeat will put on excess weight as you would when not pregnant.

The aim is to eat healthily and only gain the number of pounds that is good for your baby and yourself. Imagine trying to run after a toddler with pounds you never had before. Just the thought of it makes me tired.

Take this time to be in charge. Do not eat more than is needed. Eating too much will have the same bad effects on your body as to when not pregnant. Do keep in mind that the chance of getting diabetes normally comes about when overweight.

Foods To Avoid

It is also important to know the foods to avoid. Here is a list of some of these foods:

  • Fast food
  • Processed foods
  • Alcohol
  • Baked treats
  • Fried food
  • Sugary drinks
  • Starchy foods like potatoes and rice
  • Candies

If you take a good look at these foods you will notice that they are the ones that are normally bad for anyone. If you want to lead a healthy life they are a no-no. The same applies during pregnancy.

Some women crave foods that they might not normally eat at this time. Lucky for me I wanted lemon juice which would not be bad for you. If you find that you long for any of the above foods try to think of the risks. Just the thought of getting diabetes at such a happy time is not worth it. You can always look for a healthier alternative.

Conclusion: Avoiding Gestational Diabetes is the Way to Go

When it is examined carefully, preventing gestational diabetes is the best decision you can make. Keeping to a healthy lifestyle even before the thought of having a baby is the greatest thing you can do for yourself.

Diabetes is one of those sicknesses that can do some really bad stuff to your body. We are talking about heart problems, bad circulation, loss of limbs and the list goes on. It is just not worth it.

Keep in mind that gestational diabetes would not only affect one person but at least two. Do not forget you could even get twins or triplets. Working on your health continually, drastically reduces or prevents your chances of getting this illness which can become part of your life forever.




I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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