16 Healthy High-fat Foods That Are Great for You

Are you looking for some healthy high-fat foods that you do not need to feel guilty eating?

All fats are not the same. However, for all that you might have heard about them over the years the answer, you came to might be no.  I do not want to “burst your bubble” but you must change your answer to yes.

When deciding to start eating well, some of the foods you can have contains lots of healthy fats. Some of them are eaten in the Mediterranean Diet.

For example, these include olive oil, nuts, and some oily fish. I have 16 of these tasty foods to share with you. Forget about feeling guilty and get on your way to becoming more healthier than you have ever been.

Lets us first take a look at the fat contents in each of these great healthy high-fat foods.

  • Peanut Butter: 2 tbsp contains 16 grams of fat
  • Sardines in oil: 3.75 oz contains 10.53 grams of fat
  • Olives: One tbsp contains 13.5 grams of fat
  • Dark Chocolate: 101 grams (70-85% cocoa) contains 43.06 grams of fat
  • Coconut Oil: 1 tbsp contains 14 grams of fat
  • Cheddar Cheese: 1 oz contains 9 grams of fat
  • Mutton: 3 oz (with 1/4 ” fat cooked) contains 18 grams of fat
  • Pecans: 1 oz contains 20.4 grams of fat
  • Flax seeds: 1 tbsp (whole) contains 4.3 grams of fat
  • Eggs: 1 large contains 5 grams of fat
  • Cashew Nuts: 1 oz (raw) contains 12 grams of fat
  • Avocado: 1 cup sliced contains 21 grams of fat
  • Mackerel: 3 oz contains 15 grams of fat
  • Almonds: 1 oz contains 14 grams of fat
  • Hazel Nuts: 3 nuts contain 2.55 grams of fat
  • Sunflower Seeds: 1 oz contains 14 grams of fat

1. Why Peanut Butter is Good for Your Health Although It Is High in Fat

Peanut butter is one of the most used spreads. Some people are allergic to peanuts which is the main ingredient. Nevertheless, for others, it is very healthy.

Many of the brands found on the market have hydrogenated fats and sugar as part of their ingredients. These are not good for your body because they can cause illnesses such as heart problems and diabetes, to name a few.

When you buy peanut butter it is best to buy the ones that only contain little or no salt and peanuts.

This food is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It is also low in methionine. This is an essential amino acid, which is also found in other legumes such as lentils, peas, and beans.

Since peanut butter is low in carbohydrates it can help to keep your type 2 diabetes balanced. Although it is one of the healthy high-fat foods it is rich in minerals and vitamins. So keep eating it in moderation and you are on your way to great health.

2. Why Sardines Are Actually Healthy For You

The Omega 3 and other health benefits these fatty fish gives are good for you.

They do not have a lot of mercury like other fish because they only eat plankton. These small fish are also loaded with nutrients that can help to prevent lots of health problems. For example, they can prevent some cancers.

Sardines also contain calcium, protein, and lots of vitamins and minerals. When they come in cans they are usually packed in oil or water. There are many recipes where you can use sardines. For instance, the one in the video below is a good one to try

Tasty Sardine Recipe

3. Although High in Fat Olives Are All They Claim to Be?

We always think of olives being used in the form of olive oil. Having this fruit in your omelets, potato, and macaroni salads can be a tasty treat also.

They contain antioxidants and vitamin E which are good for your heart and health. Olives are often placed in many recipes consumed in Mediterranean countries.

When sold in bottles they are usually in very salty liquid. If you however cannot enjoy them like this, they can be soaked in plain water to remove some of the salt.

With many benefits for you, being one of the healthy high-fat foods they are well worth having as part of your diet.

4. Some Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Although dark chocolate is high in calories and sugar it has many benefits. You should consume it in moderate amounts in spite of it being so tasty.

Dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa is the best one to eat. A 101-gram bar contains:

  • 600 calories
  • 7.79 g of protein
  • 45.9 g of carbohydrates
  • 10.9 g of dietary fiber
  • 24 g of sugars
  • 11.90 mg of iron
  • 228 mg of magnesium
  • 3.31 mg of zinc

Dark chocolate or cocoa can increase the blood flow to your brain and help it to function better.

It can also help with having a healthy heart. Studies have shown that it contains lots of flavonoids. Eating a few blocks a week can lower your blood pressure.

Even your skin may be safe from the sun when you have dark chocolate. The flavonols found in it help with the flow of blood to the skin and increase skin hydration and density. These protect against skin damage from the sun.

5. High Fat Coconut Oil Cosmetic and Health Benefits

Coconut oil is excellent for many health reasons. I will first take a look at how to use it for improving your appearance.

For good dental health, it can kill bacteria and reduce bad breath in the mouth. The method used is oil pulling.

If you have dry skin from symptoms like eczema you can use it also. It replaces moisture in the skin.

A good facial scrub comprising baking soda and coconut oil removes dead cells. Your face will also get moisturized.

If you use coconut oil your dull and damaged hair will become revitalized. You can also add some fresh aloe vera gel and use it as a leave-in conditioner to strengthen the hair.

Its health benefits include weight loss, preventing infections, and reducing bad cholesterol.

6. Cheddar Cheese is Not Bad for You Although it Is High in Fat

Cheddar cheese is another one of those healthy high-fat foods that are also whole food. In other words, it is good for you as long as you do not eat too much. It does have a lot of calories, but they are great for your health.

It contains calcium which is an important nutrient for your teeth. Protein, Omega 3 fatty acids, and conjugated linoleic acid are also found in cheddar cheese.

Do keep in mind that it can be high in salt which is not good for those suffering from high blood pressure.

Sprinkling a little over your salad, or with some grapes is good. Use it also on your vegetables, fruits, olive oil, seafood, or legumes. These can all help you to live longer when following the Mediterranean Diet.

7. Mutton: Rich in High-Quality Protein and Good Healthy Fat

Mutton contains vitamins, and minerals, which include iron, zinc, and Vitamin B12. Being also very rich in high-quality protein, this red meat is good for your health.

Mutton may benefit your health in a variety of ways. These include bioactive substances like creatine, taurine, and glutathione which it contains.

Regular consumption can prevent anemia, and promote muscle growth, maintenance, and performance.

8. Go Nuts With Healthy High-fat Pecans

You can use these nuts in many recipes or as a snack. They have a lot of antioxidants, fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins.

Since they are also rich in zinc this lowers your risk of getting many diseases. These include different types of cancers and those related to lifestyle and aging.

They have more flavonoids than other nuts. Why not try some pecans when having your apples, strawberries, or blueberries? You will be sure of getting a great body from another of the healthy high-fat foods.

9. High-Fat Flaxseeds Backed By Science

Flax seeds have been around for centuries. There are two types. The brown and the golden, are both nutritious for you. Science has shown how good they are for you.

You can add them to your meals in the form of oil or grounded seeds. The oil cannot handle high temperatures so it is best to use it for stir-frying or on salads.

When storing it must be in dark bottles and in dark areas like the cupboard. You can place the grounded seeds on cereal, in pancakes, cakes, and so on.

They are rich in fiber, lignans, and Omega 3 fatty acids. These all offer excellent health benefits.

They make you feel full because of the fiber they contain, which will help with weight loss. This also helps with keeping your sugar down.

Since flax seeds are full of protein you can use them instead of meat to get your protein if you are vegetarian. They can replace eggs in many of your recipes also.

10. The Incredible Egg High in Fat But Healthy

This is one of those foods that many people like. Apart from them being a lot cheaper than many protein foods, they are a “superfood.” They contain a little of almost every nutrient that your body needs.

If you are having problems with your eyes as you age, eggs can help. The yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin. These are nutrients that can help your eyesight. They also have Vitamin A which is also good in preventing blindness.

Pasture-fed and Omega 3 enriched eggs usually contain Omega 3. This helps in reducing blood triglycerides.

Eggs have a lot of protein. This can help with bone health and weight loss, increase muscle mass, and, lower blood pressure,

11. Why High-fat Cashew Nuts Are Good For You?

Like other nuts, cashews are high in good fats and are great for you. They keep your immune system and blood healthy.

When roasted they are tasty snacks. The raw ones are great in many recipes. Check out an easy recipe below for Cashew Oat Waffles.


1 cup rolled oats

1 1/2 cup water

1/4 cup raw cashew nuts

1 Tbsp whole wheat flour

1 Tbsp olive oil

1/4 Tsp salt


Put all the ingredients in a blender and combine. Then blend at a high speed until light and foamy. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Bake at high heat on a waffle iron for 10 to 12 minutes.

Top with maple syrup, honey, or fruit.

Serves 3

12. Healthy High-fat Avocado

When eaten in moderation avocado is a creamy delicious food that is hard to resist. They offer almost 20 minerals and vitamins in every serving. These include lutein, potassium, and folate. The B Vitamins it contains will help fight off infection and disease.

The plant chemicals found in avocados may help to fight off certain cancers. It also has vitamins E and C. The fiber found in avocado keeps you full for longer periods. They are also low in sugar.

They are also high in monounsaturated fat which is good for you. Putting them in your salads, used as a dip, or on your sandwiches as a spread are some good ways to enjoy them.

13. Get your Omega 3 From Healthy High-fat Mackerel

Mackerel is one of those oily fish that is rich in Omega 3. Since it spoils very fast it is usually canned, pickled, or kept in salt and vinegar.

This fish is good for you because of the many nutrients it contains.

14. Almonds: One of the Healthy High-Fat Foods

Almonds are nutritious and rich in minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and antioxidants. You can eat them raw or roasted and they are made as oil, flour, or milk.

They are one of the best sources of Vitamin E and are high in healthy fats, fiber, magnesium, and protein.

These nuts are also great for controlling diabetes.

15. How Hazelnuts Benefit your Health

Hazelnuts have healthy fats and are rich in nutrients, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

The healthy fats in them may help decrease and prevent inflammation.

The antioxidants they contain will keep your body healthy. Eat unroasted or whole.

They usually come whole, raw, roasted, sliced, or spread. It is always best to eat them with the skin on. You can put them in many dishes and even eat them as a snack.

16. Sunflower Seeds are One of the world’s Healthy High-Fat Foods

Sunflower seeds come from the flower of the plant. Some of their nutrients are Vitamin E, magnesium, protein, and linoleic acid.

They may help with type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, and help fight inflammation.

Conclusion On Healthy High-fat Foods

Finally, these 16 healthy high-fat foods are great for your body as you have seen. Therefore it is well worth consuming them all because they are also so delicious.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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