15 Common Problems in Marriage and Solutions

We all know that no marriage is perfect. It is amazing the many crazy common marriage problems that occur, which can end up in divorce.

I thought that a look at a few of these problems and their solutions could help.

Keep in mind that two individuals make up a marriage, and you can be sure that there will always be differences. These can usually include:

1. Allowing the Small Things to Grow That Can Bring About Problems in Marriage

I have heard of cases where money has caused problems in the marriage. That might seem small to you or me, but to others, it might be a big issue.

To avoid trivial things from affecting your marriage it is best to learn to forgive very fast.

In the same way that you would like others to forgive you if you made a mistake, do the same to your partner. We all need forgiveness at some time.

Do not allow these little things to grow larger. They might not be able to be solved later.

Letting each other know that there is a problem often helps.

Also if you can learn to forgive as soon as possible this can prevent many squabbles from occurring.

2. Trying to Change the Other Person Causing Marriage Problems

When a relationship begins, love can at times make us “blind.” By that I mean, we tend to ignore the early signs of problems that we see.

It is best to deal with them then and avoid years of heartache.

We often think the person will change, or we can change them. That is a no-no. You can never change anyone, but yourself.

If there is something that makes you uncomfortable before marriage deal with it. This is always best so that later it will not become a thorn in your side. Doing this might also save the marriage.

3. Not Putting Your Spouse First Bringing About Problems in the Marriage

The only one that should come before your spouse is God. Even your children should never take that position.

I know especially after you get a baby, it can be challenging to balance things well. The baby needs you, but so does your husband.

Focusing on him by having him involved in taking care of the baby can reduce your workload. You will then be spending time with him and your baby also. By doing this, he will not feel left out.

Always keep in mind that your child will grow up very soon and leave you. You will need your husband there when they are gone.

4. Lack of Communication Which is a Problem in Many Marriages

Talking to each other does not mean you are communicating.

The dictionary defines communicating as a ” means of connection between people.” In other words, you might be quarreling which is talking but will cause problems. The aim is that you are connecting when having a conversation.

Making sure you spend quality together can also make a difference. It allows each other to feel special. This can even increase the love relationship.

5. Forgetting to Say Thank You Which Means Problems in Many Marriages

No one likes to feel that they are being taken advantage of. Saying thank you can make a difference in any marriage.

Knowing that you are noticing the good things done for each other makes you feel appreciated. Try finding at least one thing daily to say thank you for.

We often tell our kids to say thank you and we never do. Spruce up your marriage by showing you are thankful for the big and small things done for each other.

6. Lack of Intimacy Being a Huge Problem in Marriages

This is one of the big problems in many marriages. With our lives so busy, finding quality time is a must, for a marriage to survive.

When an individual is not shown the love desired they no longer feel important.

It is also great to have a variety to spice up your sex life. The same old same old can become dull. It might take some work but is well worth it, to keep things fresh and satisfying.

7. Not Saying What You Want Causing Problems in Marriage

None of us can read the mind of each other. For this reason, you are looking for the impossible, if you think the other person knows what you desire. You then will have to tell them what you want.

This can come in many ways. Telling them what you need will make each other happy, and keep in communication with each other.

8. Money Which Often Causes Problems in Marriages

This is a huge problem in many marriages.

If you as the wife a big spender, this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Money usually causes many divorces, so work on this area with wisdom.

Working on your money problems before the marriage begins is best. Having a discussion about it, and keeping to your budget, for example, is a great place to start.

9. Criticizing Each Other and Causing Problems in Marriage

When there is a problem in your marriage, criticizing each other will never help. Saying negative things can hurt. You will also regret it later.

Some partners say nothing at these times. When they cannot take it any longer they will leave the relationship.

Work on your criticizing. Looking for the good things that outweigh the bad can strengthen your marriage. Try telling the good things and stop criticizing.

When pointing one finger at your partner, you might be pointing the other four at yourself.

10. Technology That Can Cause Problems in Marriages

Technology has its place in our lives and is a must. However, things like mobile phones and computers can take over at times.

This happens often, whether it is in the workplace or in a marriage.

Excessive use of modern devices is a sure way of telling the other person you are not as important as my gadget.

Making sure this does not happen when the two of you are together is a way to avoid this common marriage problem.

If it means that you have to turn off your mobile phone, do it. Your marriage is more important.

11. Having Conflict With Others Which Can be a Big Problem In Marriages

At some time in marriage, a conflict will occur. Of course, we never want it to be often because this will show there is a more significant problem.

In a case where there is a disagreement, doing it in front of friends or family is never the way to solve it.

Let us say for example this happens in the presence of a parent. Do you think they will say anything?

This is when the problem can become bigger when they intervene because they are the parent.

Not only can it be embarrassing for each other, but it can cause a third person to become involved. So respect each other and work on your conflicts when together and not when others are around.

12. Not Taking Care of Yourself Which is Not Good for Your Marriage

As women at the courting stage of our relationship, we always try to look our best to win the heart of our guys. When we get him that usually ends.

It is like saying, “I want that prize, and when I get it, now I can take it for granted.”

I am not disputing that after a baby or two some fat can appear.

Many times we allow it to stay on our body or increase. If we look closer it is our body we are destroying. Being overweight and not taking care of ourselves is not great for our health.

This can happen with men also. You can join the gym or start an exercise regime. Keep looking good for the love of your life.

Why if you done it before you do not continue? By keeping yourself well, you can look forward to many healthy years together.

13. Thinking Your Marriage Would Be Simple

There is a misconception about marriage that you might have faced. Thinking that experiencing love, at last, would mean an easy marriage. This can give us a blow when we find out that is a lie. We must admit love is a very splendid thing, but to continue it takes work.

The fact that we are all different will cause problems. This is another human being also. They do not think the same thing, is from another environment, and the list goes on.

Having to deal with these things will be there as long as your marriage.

Realizing from early on that this is not going to be easy, makes room for working at whatever comes. Seeing that together you can work through the good and the bad can make it simpler.

14. Not Having Your Spouse As A Friend Creates A Problem for Marriages

Of course, it is always great to have other friends who are there for you at all times. Having these relationships is also very healthy and can be very gratifying.

Your best friend should be your partner. Many of us might see them as the person we are with every day. That is enough reason to have them as our best friends.

They know us best and should be the ones we are most comfortable with.

This would make any marriage more satisfying. Knowing that our best friend is the one we share our most intimate times will be a delight.

A stronger relationship will also happen as the years roll on.

15. Thinking Only of Yourself Bringing About Marriage Problems

Although married, for many years individuals might not see it as a partnership.

By that, I mean that each individual wants to live their life as if they or are still a single person.

Sometimes we can have thoughts like “my money is my money. I do what I want to do when I want to do it.” These are all attitudes that show we are thinking only about ourselves.

With these kinds of attitudes in a marriage, it will soon be on the rocks. It cannot work well if you only care about yourself and not the other person.

Considering each other is the only way a marriage can become strong. I must admit that it is easier to think only about one person, but this cannot happen if you want to stay married.

The Bottom Line

We have seen that problems will occur in any marriage. Keeping them as few as possible is what can make it a success.

Putting our all into it will then bring a happy marriage and many great years together.

If that is what you desire for your marriage continue working at it and all will be well.


I want to help Christian women run their small or medium-sized businesses well while living a balanced lifestyle.

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